Longarme Threat-Protocol and the Middle East

“During his tour [at Windsor Castle], which has called in at Slovenia, Germany, Italy and France, Bush has urged Europeans to stand firm with the United States as it seeks to transform the Middle East.

Bush compared Middle Eastern transition efforts to the Marshall Plan, the massive U.S. program to rebuild Europe after World War II, which was signed into U.S. law 60 years ago.”

I have not seen any such plan ratified into U.S. law or presented to the United Nations. Perhaps the USA could do some thinking about the Middle East that is intelligently explained such a way that we do not have a fundamental disagreement regarding the Koran and ethics. Can’t the USA and CIA take into consideration that the Middle East is a well reasoned that is somewhat ahead of it’s own ethics? In fact Middle Easterners are sinners, and the Israelis are living in Babylon it is said. If you do not understand the Koran it suggests that you accept an illiterate argument in foreign policy which is a mushroom on a log, not a fine piece of literate comprehensive strategem to work with. The ethics of Middle Eastern countries are so strong yet we have something in the Marshall Plan that allows propaganda regarding cultures which are very strongly developed in world civilization and cultural standard to point of having right of signature to exist within their local domain, provided that they do not exceed their longarme threat-protocol allowance.

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