Category Archives: Advanced Occult

The Tragedy of Being Attacked From The Future

Due to matter manipulation across spacetime becoming possible in the future in a tangible directly manipulable way, we are getting closer to a time of discovery that may not be informed perfectly by the past because the ignorant of the specific dynamics of how technology works. But, it should be aware of the rules of […]

Leviathan and Bahamut

From Wikipedia on Bahamut, it is implied that Leviathan is one of many such giant fishes. Forty a day were created. Three days passed to know one had passed. These then are the embodiments of arks of nations, people, and mythologies who are of the heavens, the seas, or upon the Earth, they roam as […]

Inventory of Nuclear Arsenal Worldwide

Hello upper left, please use latest rad scantech with upper right, Otto ground survey night, regard lower right well, lower left hard sell. Please alter green dragon to have all stars and no stripes, make emerald glow, make dragon prettier, happier, and five fingers per claw- for I am he and in China three fingers […]

Nervine Vampires

There were for a time people who ate the blood of other and mesmerized them to slave fates. Recently there was a spate of nervine vampirism that was cruel in that it left people without due and proper energy, and they could not realize well what was happening over time. They were also attacked using […]