Category Archives: Genius Smurfing

The Fred Graph Suggests I Should Be Able To Get A Credit Card

Do you think it is possible that I am having bad luck? Perhaps I should ask Sanford Wilk. He is the person responsible for those free credit report advertisements on television. Perhaps I should also ask Ruth Mamaril why there are so few creative commercials on television now. It’s a fricken number. It seems there […]

A Quick Note On The Metaphorical

It’s tiiimenh to blow-stuf-up! Probably means the pirate guy wants to blow stuff up with explosives! Yeah. No, they ought not to make people fat unless it is one step down as a wrapper for people getting the message, meaning a lead in that foreshadows blowing stuff up using explosives, and really it better be […]

If MIT OpenCourseware Is Not Enough In Computer Science

There was a complete cs curriculum school with all the recommend courses for the degree taught at a high level of comprehension in Cambridge, Massachusetts in 2000-2001. You can get the videos of the lectures in a 4 DVD set for sixty dollars following the link above. Good luck with your studies.